Nest CEO's departure suggests that the smart home bubble is about to burst?

GO Jiaju News learned that in order to excavate the smart home market a few years ago, Google (microblogging) acquired the thermostat manufacturer Nest, however, this acquired company has recently experienced major personnel changes, the company founder, known as " Fader, the head of the "father of the iPod", will no longer serve as the CEO. This person has also been criticized by the industry, and he is accused of being rude and difficult to inspire the creativity of his subordinates.

Nest CEO's departure suggests that the smart home bubble is about to burst?

However, in an interview with Bloomberg in the United States, Fadel defended himself.

According to the British BBC website, Fadel said to Bloomberg: "I have no regrets about the work of Nest."

Fadel said: "You can think of one thing as a challenge, or treat it as a learning experience. For me, this is always a kind of growth, we all make mistakes, but we need to learn to talk and learn. When walking or crawling, we must make mistakes."

Fadel said: "So, when it comes to the smart home project we are working on at the current level, no one has done this in the past, so you need to make a mistake."

Although Fadel defended himself, according to media reports, Nest has a strong dissatisfaction with Fadel. Among them, Nest previously acquired the webcam company Dropcam, but then the company's 50 employees resigned, mainly because of Fader's management, these employees feel that their creativity in developing excellent new products is almost destroyed.

Google had high hopes for Nest in the past, but the performance of the company was very disappointing. Including smoke detectors, many of the company's products have major quality problems, smoke detectors have been forced to withdraw, and consumers have been refunded.

In addition, the outside world believes that Nest is too slow in launching new products.

Foreign media pointed out that in the two years after Google’s acquisition of Nest, Nest had internal turmoil, and Fadel’s departure meant the end of this turmoil.

It is reported that in the event of the resignation of a large number of Dropcam employees, Fadel once told the media that many of the company's employees are not as good as they expected. This is just a small technical team, but unfortunately, this is Not an experienced team.

The BBC pointed out that from a larger background, Nest's confusion may come from such a reason that the expectations of smart homes were quite high a few years ago, but in reality, the dreams and ideas of smart homes are not Become a real market.

Earlier, some industry insiders pointed out that smart home may be a bubble market full of manufacturers' hype and gimmicks. The so-called use of smart phones to control household appliances does not have much practical value in real life.

GO Jiaju News Information reports for you.

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